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Angel’s Honey August 19, 2011

Posted by timelesswhispers in Uncategorized.
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Have you ever tried angel’s honey? It’s a lot better than bees honey.
It cleans the heart and the spirit, from anger and bitter feelings.
Always and forever,
Your joseph
I wrote this message last night after talking with a friend who is thinking of visiting India this winter, but she is a bit afraid to go.

Angel’s Honey

India is different for everyone, it all depend what you are looking for.
What is that you expect to see? Most important of all, what is that you need in your life right now?
God does not always gives us what we ask, but never misses giving us what we need to make us what we are today.
India for me  is like taking an elevator all the way to heaven and seeing what I have been missing.
In no time it brings me inside the galaxy of God’s beauty, and then nothing else matters, because Divine love sustains me and angel’s honey starts coming out of my ears, nose and mouth.
The sweetness of Jesus sweetens the bitter world inside of me, taking away the darkness I came from, so that my heart can have the right bit, in tune with God’s will.
The way of love, is full of abundance, for the people we try to help, they help us more.
It’s impossible to be bright and shining, if one hides in darkness.
What good is it to have wings, if one is afraid of flying?
Whatever God’s gives I’ll take it, even if no one else wants it.
I would even become a slave, if I knew it meant your freedom.

The Invisible Clothes August 17, 2011

Posted by timelesswhispers in Uncategorized.
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Remind me to give you these new clothes when we get to heaven.

The Invisible Clothes

Your love and devotion deserve special gifts.
One day soon, I will give you special invisible clothes made of jewels and precious stones thread. They will be as soft as velvet and as strong as diamonds and you can wear them all the time, even to bed if you like, because they never wrinkle or get dirty, they stay clean and new forever.
I will give you also a pair of magical shoes that will match the color of your aura and they will be a perfect fit for your feet.

Our Father

To ask the universe for things is a bit silly, not different than to ask Santa Clause for something. But there is no harm in doing that for awhile, until we grow up and realize that it wasn’t the universe, nor life or mother earth, but our Father in Heaven who gives us everything.

Fly With Me August 5, 2011

Posted by timelesswhispers in Uncategorized.
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Your smile is a kinder flame within me, forever burning. And your love is a raging fire in my soul, impossible to control and put out.
It is my will and my desire to always burn, wild, happy, and free, mostly for you my lovely angel. I pray that your wings will grow big and fast, so you can fly with me.
always and forever,

Sweetest Love August 1, 2011

Posted by timelesswhispers in Uncategorized.
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Since I cannot be with you in person, I shall be with you in spirit, today, tomorrow, and every other day till we meet.
I’ll give you my words as rare jewels, and my love as my priceless treasure, for what comes from the heart has no price.
I am making you my heir of all that I possess, so that through my sharing I may live in you and you in me.
I don’t know why the sweetness of heaven is falling down on me, maybe it is because I used to be bitter, or it could be that I am in the right place, where the sweetness of God is dripping. Either way I don’t care why it is happening, I am just glad to get it.
I have never tasted anything sweeter than God’s mercy, nor have I ever heard of a better plan for my salvation than the one Jesus is offering me.
I have nothing to fear, for whatever happens to me I am still a prince.
I am here in this world only to light up God’s fireworks, so that people may see His magic in the sky.
Always and forever,
Your joseph