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April 21, 2013

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 In case you should ever wonder what happened to me, and why it is that you haven’t received any new e-mails from me lately? It is because my addresses contacts list was hacked in the month of April, and I couldn’t recover what was taken from me.

I failed to keep a back up copy, so I have no way to contact you at this moment, I am sorry. I am posting my new e-mail here in the website for those of you who care to write and say hello, and wish to restore communication with me.       


Remember what I said earlier?

“My joy belongs to me alone and nothing and no one can take it away from me.” There are no such things as accidents in life, things happen for a reason. Even our enemies’ work in our favor basically, because in spite of their wickedness, it’s destine to brings us good in the end.

True Friend April 20, 2013

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A True Friend

It is impossible to love the wrong person, but it is possible that the right person doesn’t love you sometime.

My love for you will not get any older, because it is reborn each day with your smile, and it’s renewed each second without questioning.

There are many people in the world, who are waiting for a long time to be loved, by someone or anyone. A beautiful human being who actually cares and will never leaves you.

Once I was in a festival and I gave a hug to a girl I met while I was telling some of my stories to a group of people. She wouldn’t let go of me for about ten minutes, holding me close to her heart, telling me with tears in her eyes that she had never felt love from anyone before.

It was only a hug, but it meant the world to her, appreciating every word I said, until my heart melted away with compassion and I began to cry as well.

I have only one life to give, and I am giving it to those who matters the most.

magic is everywhere March 7, 2013

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Magic is Everywhere

I am thinking of doing one more presentation before leaving for Canada. I have done more than a dozen workshops so far, since I first arrived in October to Goa, and each one has added joy to my soul.

This is one reason why I don’t mind helping people; I can always use more joy in my life. Today is the 7th of March. The workshop will be held the 18th of March, in a restaurant on the beach.

This morning I am doing the flyer, and it will give me plenty of time to invite hundreds of people to see the show.

Normally I spend 4 to 6 hours daily sharing the information with people on the beach and all over town. When I decide to do something, I do it well, or I will not do it at all.

Last night I met a man whose heart was broken, and driven near to insanity by too much pain because his wife just left him. He followed me around, because he wanted to talk with me, but he was way too drunk to understand what I was saying.

A beautiful middle age couple from Europe who had came to one of my meetings, expressed their gratitude and joy in meeting me, and hear me talk; saying:

“We are quite impressed by your example and all the love you show to people, and frankly we are a bit surprised that you have no body guards, and no one to protect you, because we see a lot of greatness in you.”

I am sure someone is watching over me all the time or I wouldn’t be able to do what I am doing that is certain.

A woman who is teaching meditation and healing here in Goa, got really mad, and began to yelled at someone because happen to disagree with her teachings.

Angry bitter people, denying forgiveness and compassion to themselves and to the ones who need most, blind leaders of the blind, hypocritical and self-righteous, deaf to the truth, and judgmental of others, away from this company.

My heart goes out to the meek and to the humble of spirit, and for them I’ll do anything, because they have loved me from the beginning.

Remind me to tell you about my, BIG PLAN for the year 2013.

Every day is better than the day before, did you know that?

true beauty February 9, 2013

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The greatest tragedy in life…

Beautiful people thinking they are ugly.

Ugly people thinking they are beautiful.

How easy it is to get things twisted, mistaking true beauty for vanity, and love for lust.

I believe in God who helps me to see into the heart and soul of beings and to choose wisely.

Love is like ice-cream enjoy it while you can, before it melts.

me December 23, 2012

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You have a special place in my heart, and I dream of the day when I shall see you again.
Joseph’s Adventures in Goa
When I first I arrived to Arambol in the year 2012 I began to sell my new book for the first time.”Journey To Happiness.” You can find almost anything here in Goa, if you just look hard enough.
There are all types of meditations and spiritual practices that you can learn from great masters, who are more than willing to teach you for a price.
But I don’t care about what the rest of the world does, I just can’t ask people to pay for my books and my teachings, no more than I could ask them to pay for the air they are breathing, so I returned to give my books away to people for free, like I used to do in the past.
Today I receive an e-mail from someone who after reading my book which I had giving to him as a gift last week, that wants to donate me 10.000 rupees, 200$ towards the printing cost.
I am Joseph, and I like who I am. I believe in what I am doing, and I love you, because God loves you. My message is simple, my message is pure, my message is genuine, and I won’t compromise it for money.
I am troubled at the moment because I few days ago I met a beautiful young woman who now wants to help me with my work, in bringing healing and laughter into people’s lives.
We are planning some meditations and workshops to do together as business, but I don’t feel good about it.
She is wonderful it is easy to see that, and I would like to work with her, but she wants to help people for the money and I don’t. I feel sorry for everyone, and I always want to give instead of taking. I don’t know what to do about it.
Yesterday one man after seeing me from far away run after me, telling me that I am the only person in Arambol with whom he feel comfortable talking to. We sat in a restaurant while I listened to his pain for hours. He said that he does not believe in God, but he loves me, and that he is jealous of me. He has a serious problem with alcohol and cannot even eat any food, without feeling very sick. He told me that he felt like eating a steak, and asked me if I could drive him in his own bike to a restaurant, because he was too drunk to drive himself. We spent the half day talking together, not because I enjoyed doing it, but because he needed me. He said, that I had saved him that day. He offered me anything I would have liked to eat, and though money for him was absolutely no problem, I choose the cheapest food in the menu. That’s how I am.
I want people to remember me as loving them, and not because they had money in their pockets.
A young man from England who happened to be my neighbor was crying when he left, saying that once back to his country he would change his life, and stop taking drugs, because meeting me had inspired him.
I could go on and on telling you dozen of stories that happen to me in daily bases, some Indian men visiting from the Capital whom had met me years ago, were so happy to meet me again, that one was crying for joy while others were kissing my head, hands and feet. I said stop, it is too much, I am only a simple man.
So you see, people know me because of what I do, and I am what I do.
I love you.

kiss December 7, 2012

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I am glad to have met you.


Love is like water, we need water in order to survive, and we need love in order to grow.

I love you, because loving you brings me closer to heaven.

My love is pure, my love is compassionate, and my love is beautiful, and everlasting, because it comes directly from the heart of God.

People are willing to trade God for earthly treasures, but I won’t hesitate to trade earthly treasures for God, even if it leads to my death.

I don’t belong here, I am only visiting this world and pretty soon I will be going back to my true home and live among angels.

My happiness has no end, because my love is eternal, and I am part of an inheritance that will fulfill all of my desires.

What I am missing in life, I know I will be going to get it soon or later.

I have no reason to cry and feel sad, because all of my tears and sorrows will be wiped away with a kiss.

I love you for life November 13, 2012

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I loved you yesterday, today, and for life.

I Love you for Life

I am decorating myself, better than I could ever decorate a house or a Christmas tree.

I am building treasures inside of me, tearing down old bad habits and creating new and better ones.

I am making my mind and heart clean and beautiful, bright and shining with all kinds of goodies and surprises for you, so that when you meet me, you’ll feel ecstasy.

It is my lifelong work to give you the best to show you that God loves you, and that heaven is a real place where we are going to live happily ever after.

You are very important to me, more precious than my life and all that I possess, because your love is all I want.

Seeing you happy and safe is my dream of heaven.

The love inside of me is going everywhere; I cannot stop it, for it desires to give to you until it reaches your heart and comes back to me.

It hurts to receive love at first, but then it heals your pain afterwards.

Once you let love into your heart, you’ll be loved and protected for life.

It’s Time October 14, 2012

Posted by timelesswhispers in Uncategorized.
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This will make you smile I guarantee it.

It’s Time

I am at the edge of turbulence and stormy weather, entering the land of the rising sun and better days.

The end of my worries and fears are near, and the gate to my joy is opening up.

The anchor has been lifted, and in a moment I will be sailing away into perfect clear weather.

Shortly I will cut loose the burdens that are slowing me down, and be ready to fly to the highest sky. So if you happen to see a happy bird flying way up over your head, remember to wave, because it’s me.

Up there isn’t much to worry about, we eat a little, we drink a little, we love a little, and we spin a little, but at least we are free.

Up above there isn’t a lot of garbage neither, the shit is down below where the money is.

I Could Live Like This Forever

This morning I went and walked on the beautiful beach of Goa, and it felt wonderful to feel the warm wet sand under my feet.

I was listening to my favorite music as usual, dancing and meditating, and taking notes; while breathing God’s love in and out of my soul, and it felt so wonderful to hear heaven speaking to me.

I wanted to go swimming, but also I did not want to get wet, and since I could not do both at the same time, I continued to walk, dance and to meditate, and it felt so wonderful to be free.

I could live like this forever, without complaints and discord; eating healthy, meeting beautiful people and give myself as food to the hungry souls.

I haven’t been here but a day, and I am already getting so many compliments on how happy and beautiful I am, and it feel so wonderful to hear good things about yourself, especially when you know they are true, and people aren’t only saying that to make you feel good.

India does something special to me. In a matter of days, my life changes and I become young again.

Today I looked at myself in the mirror, and it took me sometime to realize that it was me.

Often I have to look away when brushing my teeth, because I fear that the reflection of the mirror from my happy smile and radiant face it could blind me.

It is funny, isn’t it? But you should hear what people say about me, comparing to them I am not even exaggerating.

I love you all,


wild mountain horse October 7, 2012

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Mountain Horse

I am like a wild mountain horse not scared of anything. So I am going to jump over the fence and run to my freedom.

I can run fast and far, and not be tired, jump over cliffs without fear, and spit in the face of my enemy who says it cannot be done.

I am free like I was born to be. I ride whenever I like, with whomever I like, whenever I like, and no one tells me what to do or where to go, because I am like a wild mountain horse running to my destiny, in search for more love and adventures to share with you.


I will be flying to India Oct. 10, and go where my feet take me.

I love you always and forever.


a broken heart October 7, 2012

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A Broken Heart

Loving someone I met this summer at the rainbow has giving me an idea for a new workshop I am going to do in India.

I am planning to invite a hundred people at least, for it would be one of the most interesting workshops ever given by anyone, about… “Broken Hearts”

I promised that if you come, you will feel much better afterwards, but if you cannot make it then ask me how it went and I will send you a whisper in the wind.

I had forgotten what it is like to have a broken heart, so God give one to me just now, so I would remember and help others to forget.

It seems that I do heal a lot faster in India then when I am here at home, so I better be more careful where I love in the future. Now that I feel this pain in my heart, it makes me wonder how people manage to survive when it happens to them.

I realize that it is not a coincidence that it happened to me, and there is something that I must do and learn from it.

I do not know why I still love beautiful women, when I know 98% I will be hurt by them. I fear that if I do have one more broken heart, it will finish me up this time and goodbye Joseph.

Pray for me that I stay the course, and keep serving you till the end, for this is my wish and desire.

I’d like to take a little from someone, so that I can give to everyone.

I do not ask much, even a little kiss, a gentle caress, or a kind word, will work magic in my life.

I do not take for myself, I take love, in order to help me to love more and make others happy.

I have searched all of my life for love, and I have come to conclude that it is easier to find diamonds and gold in the world than to find true love. But that hasn’t discouraged me to the point of quitting, has it?

I believe that if I cannot find love, love will find me sooner or later, if not in this world, certainly in the afterlife.

Love is a rare and precious gift, so you better be ready when love comes knocking at your heart door, for if you are not, someone else might.

People have offered me all kinds of deals, in the hope that I would choose money over love, but every attempt made against what I believe has failed, making my love for God and you even stronger.

My faith is what sustains me; love is our only hope to end human sufferings, for in the end love is the only answer.
